Consolidating National REDD+ Accounting and Subnational Activities Applications in Ghana

This assessment analyzes options for integrating subnational REDD+ activities into the design of the national REDD+ architecture in Ghana in a way that is consistent with the emerging international REDD+ policy, and its emerging REDD+ priorities.

This study provides an analysis of options for integrating (“nesting”) subnational into national REDD+ activities within Ghana’s emerging REDD+ policy. We assess how the various REDD+ policies, programs and projects being developed could work and interact with the emerging international REDD+ mechanism. Authors discuss key requirements for making REDD+ carbon finance accessible at the subnational level and how subnational activities could co-exist with the Ghanaian national REDD+ architecture currently being developed.

The study gives special attention to technical and legal aspects surrounding the implementation of subnational REDD+ activities in approaches where international crediting flows direct to subnational actors, and where crediting takes place from national governments prior to distribution to subnational actors. Technical arrangements for operationalizing these approaches cover the establishment of reference levels, accounting, and measuring, reporting and verification (MRV), setting of standards and safeguards, managing underperformance, and the institutional requirements for these activities.

We also discuss mechanisms and decisions to stimulate Early Action efforts of non-state actors involved in REDD+ activities, and ways that the Government of Ghana can endorse eligible and duly authorized early efforts.

These issues were discussed at an interactive Workshop in Ghana on October 30, 2010.